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Birth Story: Lucy's Home Waterbirth Journey


Lucy first approached me early in her pregnancy, seeking support for her journey to motherhood. As a first-time mother, Lucy envisioned a gentle and empowering birth experience, leading her to opt for a home waterbirth.

Consultation and Preparation:

Throughout Lucy's pregnancy, we worked closely together to ensure her preferences and choices were respected and supported. With thorough discussions and personalised care, Lucy felt empowered and prepared for the upcoming birth.

Labour and Delivery:

Lucy's labour began with on-and-off contractions over a couple of days, with anticipation building as we awaited the onset of active labour. When labour became regular and ongoing early Wednesday morning, I attended Lucy's home, ready to provide support and guidance. Baby was born Wednesday late afternoon in the comforting environment of Lucy's home.

Postpartum Care:

After the birth, we ensured Lucy and her baby had uninterrupted time to bond and breastfeed, facilitating a smooth delivery of the placenta and minimising blood loss. Once mother and baby were comfortable, I conducted thorough checks on both, including assessing for any tearing, vital signs, baby weight, and a full body check. Ensuring Lucy had nourishment, we then tucked them both into bed, ready for a restful night.


Reflecting on her pregnancy journey, Lucy expressed gratitude for the respect given to her choices throughout pregnancy and birth, leading to a birth experience that aligned perfectly with her desires. She felt completely safe and supported during labour, knowing that her needs were understood and met. The seamless postpartum guidance provided reassurance and preparation, ensuring Lucy felt well-prepared every step of the way.

(Note: Name has been changed for privacy)

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